We grew up painting pictures in our minds with words

Painting pictures in our minds with words

A thought to explore for later

When I watch movies and streaming shows these days it feels a bit different to me. My suspension of disbelief is pretty robust and usually I am paying more attention to the words rather than screen detail or scenery.

I am wondering if the difference is really in having a background of dialog and words from books and music that carries over in the film and streaming world as a willingness to engage our imaginations in entertaining ourselves. The other thought is that we now have several generations of people that seem to only get the message when it comes all prepackaged for them in artfully created and curated pictures.

[Like the Ukrainian “Batik Blouse” in the featured image]


We grew up painting pictures in our minds with words

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a New Book

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a  New Book

HUMOR: Where is The Magic?— Besides Karla’s Wax Museum Freezer? It’s right here in Sharon LaVey’s new book!

Which Makes Sense With the Whole Pink Lightning Bolt Thing:

He’s Like Batman With Sex

[We Love You Sharon and Stanton!]


A Croatian theory was Baphomet was or is Silvanus. 

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a New Book

Anti American Eugenics Movement | Anti Sterilization 101

nti American Eugenics Movement

Anti American Eugenics Movement | Anti Sterilization 101

The State of California Hospitals and Homes recommended sterilization to people. They did it to kids who had abortions (oops), they did it to all kinds of people. They offered it to developmentally disabled people. If you want to sterilize your child the state will pay for it is what they said. They did it to people who they considered to have a mental illness that was possible to transmit to other people through genetics — Being a Witch, Wizard or a Satanist was considered one of them, being a sex worker was another. Who are these people who recommend sterilization and euthanasia? It was called Eugenics and some of them are real life Nazis others like Kellogg [Kellogg’s Corn Flakes] were doctors. In the public sector they did it to 20,000 people in California. In order to get the whole scope you would have to unseal a fair amount of juvenile court records. The private medical records are another story.

Getting a accurate population rate is the key to the gravity of the issue. The average population over those decades 1920 to 1950 was 46 million people. 20,000 people were sterilized by the state in institutions at a rate of ~500 per year. So the average rate of people sterilized in the whole population — averaged over 40 years — of the people just in institutions was .0011 % or 1.1 per thousand. [Re-do ck math please it’s higher]

 2018 May; 108(5): 611–613.
Published online 2018 May. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304369

The rate inside those California State Hospitals and Homes was this graph, If I read it right 10 to 13% of all Latinas were sterilized at the peak in 1933, 1934 Welcome to the Hotel California:

In total, 17,362 individuals were recommended for sterilization in California state homes and hospitals between 1920 and 1945 (Table A, available as a supplement to the online version of this article at http://www.ajph.org). Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing plots of sterilization rates (Figure 1) indicated that Latinas/os were at the highest risk of sterilization for the entire period. From 1920 to about 1926, men had higher sterilization rates than did women. After 1926, women were sterilized at higher rates than were males.

Homosexuality and Lesbianism? LGBT? Mental Illness, Sterilize them!

Marijuana user, recreational drug user, alcoholic? Mental Illness, Sterilize them!

Latina? Sterilize Her!

Objectives. To compare population-based sterilization rates between Latinas/os and non-Latinas/os sterilized under California?s eugenics law.Methods. We used data from 17362 forms recommending institutionalized patients for sterilization …

It’s Police Department and School District Recommended!

It’s not Punishment! We can do it at the Hospital!

The police used to offer to help sex workers get sterilized. The special education people offered to help people get sterilized. They said Homosexuals and Lesbians had a mental disease so they offered sterilization. Not to mention chromosomally different people. Heaven help you if you were born with a birth defect,.. You want to sterilize your son? He has a birth defect. Do you want to sterilize your daughter she’s diabetic? One court case/diagnosis cited in these articles was “mentally deficient, sex delinquent girl” from an “unfit home”. F You, You Nazi Eugenics Axeholes.

If the University People don’t want me to publish my story? Then they can pay me to not publish. How many people did you sterilize over the years? Touch a NERVE with this one?

Why does Hollywood care? WE CARE!
Why do I care? I Was Born There!

— George LaVey

Tags in White:

LGBT, Sterilization, Eugenics, Nazi, Sex Worker, developmentally disabled, disabled, birth defects, Witch, Satanist, Wizard, Pot Smoker, Marijuana, Teen Pregnancy, Abortion, Sexually Deviant, Sex Religion, American Breeders Association (ABA), Anti American Eugenics Movement, Anti Sterilization


In the 20th century, U.S. eugenics programs rendered tens of thousands of people infertile
More immigrant women say they were abused by Ice gynecologist
More than 40 women submitted testimony claiming abuse, alleging they underwent invasive and unnecessary procedures

Early American Eugenics Movement – First Wave Feminisms

The American eugenics movement was formed during the late nineteenth century and continued as late as the 1940s. The American eugenics movement embraced negative eugenics, with the goal to eliminate undesirable genetic traits in the human race through selective breeding. During the American eugenics…
Ed Excerpt: There were two types of eugenics: positive and negative. Positive eugenics had the goal of improving the human race by encouraging those with desirable traits to breed. In contrast, negative eugenics focused on reducing degenerate offspring by preventing those that had undesirable traits from breeding. Positive eugenics was supported by British eugenicists, as it encompassed Galton’s viewpoint and negative eugenics was endorsed by American eugenicists.
The state of California was central in the eugenics movement.
Ed Extract: From 1909 to 1979, California sterilized people in public hospitals and other state institutions by force or deception. The state apologized for its actions in 2003 but didn’t ban the practice until 2014. This month, under a budget passed by the Legislature and awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, the state agreed to pay reparations of up to $25,000 each to victims. Women who were imprisoned and coerced into getting sterilized — a story first exposed by the Center for Investigative Reporting in 2013 — would also be compensated.
The move comes after months of deliberations among campus leaders. Names to be removed include founding president Robert A. Millikan.
Technology can be a force for anything, good or evil.
ED Selected Extract: It’s a disgrace to history to ignore the power that technology has in facilitating acts of evil — and IBM’s work with the Nazis serves as a prime example of that facilitation. Beyond questions of morality, the Holocaust presented a number of logistical hurdles to the Nazis, and IBM offered them a perfectly legal solution. Indeed, during the mid-20th century, the software company’s punched-card technology helped the Nazis carry out the genocide of millions.  ED: That’s a punchcard number tattoo
IBM Punchcards in 1933 Germany, Poland and Dutch uses:

On April 12, 1933, the German government announced plans to conduct a long-delayed national census.[2]: 54  The project was particularly important to the Nazis as a mechanism for the identification of Jews, Roma, and other ethnic groups deemed undesirable by the regime. –snip–

As a result, Nazi Germany soon became the second most important customer of IBM after the lucrative U.S. market.[2]: 110  The 1933 census, with design help and tabulation services provided by IBM through its German subsidiary, proved to be pivotal to the Nazis in their efforts to identify, isolate, and ultimately destroy the country’s Jewish minority. Machine-tabulated census data greatly expanded the estimated number of Jews in Germany by identifying individuals with only one or a few Jewish ancestors. Previous estimates of 400,000 to 600,000 were abandoned for a new estimate of 2 million Jews in the nation of 65 million.[2]: 110 

As the Nazi war machine occupied successive nations of Europe, capitulation was followed by a census of the population of each subjugated nation, with an eye to the identification and isolation of Jews and Romani. These census operations were intimately intertwined with technology and cards supplied by IBM’s German and new Polish subsidiaries, which were awarded specific sales territories in Poland by decision of the New York office following Germany’s successful Blitzkrieg invasion.[2]: 193 Data generated by means of counting and alphabetization equipment supplied by IBM through its German and other national subsidiaries was instrumental in the efforts of the German government to concentrate and ultimately destroy ethnic Jewish populations across Europe.[2]: 198  Black reports that every Nazi concentration camp maintained its own Hollerith-Abteilung (Hollerith Department), assigned with keeping tabs on inmates through use of IBM’s punchcard technology.[2]: 351  In his book, Black charges that “without IBM’s machinery, continuing upkeep and service, as well as the supply of punch cards, whether located on-site or off-site, Hitler’s camps could have never managed the numbers they did.”[2]: 352 

Bing It:

Also See This Page Yes, related by name and headstones to the commander of Stuka Group II. It would be nice to try out the new Messerschmitts in Ukraine yes? At night all the birds are black.

Hekate Pagan

I was adopted into a family that has a multi-national Holocaust history. The name of the family was Kupfer. It means the metal copper in German. I am from the LaVey family. If you do not know their history their original name was Levey. The Leveys settled in Cook County Illinois in the late 1800’s. Listed as birthplaces on some records were Russian Empire and Russia and the city one family came from was in France. If you have not figured it out yet, the Levey family was considered secular Jewish. When I was adopted I was placed in a Catholic German family from Berlin, Germany. We lived in the Arcadia Pasadena area. That is the reason for the Holocaust research and it’s connection to Los Angeles.

There were ~1,067 Kupfers murdered in the Holocaust all over Europe.

Legitimus USAWhere the magic rings true.

ISSN 2771-7410

The Hekate, Los Angeles California.

legitimus-usa.com ISSN 2771-7410



LaVey Secret Sex, Sacred Sex: Influential Practitioners of Sex Magic. The fusion of spiritual power and sex using rituals with a sacred sex energy exchange


Anti American Eugenics Movement | Anti Sterilization 101

Stanton Z LaVey in Burbank at the Crooked Path 5 PM Tonight

crooked path

Stanton Z LaVey at the Crooked Path


Going to Sal’s place tonight NOT,.. I usually do not go to those things unless I am invited.

I was not invited so I do not go. It’s someone else’s gig man. It’s called respect, I have it. I support the person by not screwing their gig up. Go ahead and GO meet Stanton LaVey already Fontana and Redlands neighbors!

For the Fontana and Redlands California Next Door Neighbors:
Look,.. a African American Person in SZL’s Band! Um,.. with a cane and a cowboy hat and shiny stuff,.. He’s a Christian caught up in the devils church,.. 😉 Rescue the Brother for Jesus already!  AAAHHH! Bad Stanists BAD,..


stanton LaVey Live!
Stanton LaVey Live!


Please Go and you can say George Say’s Hi! from WiccanSpeed The Witches Speed Shop!

It’s at 5:00 PM tonight in Burbank Facebook link:


Stanton Lavey Talk
A Stanton Lavey Talking

That’s what it is,.. Stanton Z LaVey Talking to you in person and he will sign things for you,..


Or go be ghosts and stand around outside and ask for autographs! Don’t you know anybody in the valley? who can get a autograph for you?


Stanton Z LaVey in Burbank at the Crooked Path 5 PM Tonight