Stanton Z LaVey in Burbank at the Crooked Path 5 PM Tonight

crooked path

Stanton Z LaVey at the Crooked Path


Going to Sal’s place tonight NOT,.. I usually do not go to those things unless I am invited.

I was not invited so I do not go. It’s someone else’s gig man. It’s called respect, I have it. I support the person by not screwing their gig up. Go ahead and GO meet Stanton LaVey already Fontana and Redlands neighbors!

For the Fontana and Redlands California Next Door Neighbors:
Look,.. a African American Person in SZL’s Band! Um,.. with a cane and a cowboy hat and shiny stuff,.. He’s a Christian caught up in the devils church,.. 😉 Rescue the Brother for Jesus already!  AAAHHH! Bad Stanists BAD,..

stanton LaVey Live!
Stanton LaVey Live!


Please Go and you can say George Say’s Hi! from WiccanSpeed The Witches Speed Shop!

It’s at 5:00 PM tonight in Burbank Facebook link:


Stanton Lavey Talk
A Stanton Lavey Talking

That’s what it is,.. Stanton Z LaVey Talking to you in person and he will sign things for you,..


Or go be ghosts and stand around outside and ask for autographs! Don’t you know anybody in the valley? who can get a autograph for you?


Stanton Z LaVey in Burbank at the Crooked Path 5 PM Tonight