We grew up painting pictures in our minds with words

Painting pictures in our minds with words

A thought to explore for later

When I watch movies and streaming shows these days it feels a bit different to me. My suspension of disbelief is pretty robust and usually I am paying more attention to the words rather than screen detail or scenery.

I am wondering if the difference is really in having a background of dialog and words from books and music that carries over in the film and streaming world as a willingness to engage our imaginations in entertaining ourselves. The other thought is that we now have several generations of people that seem to only get the message when it comes all prepackaged for them in artfully created and curated pictures.

[Like the Ukrainian “Batik Blouse” in the featured image]


We grew up painting pictures in our minds with words

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a New Book

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a  New Book

HUMOR: Where is The Magic?— Besides Karla’s Wax Museum Freezer? It’s right here in Sharon LaVey’s new book!

Which Makes Sense With the Whole Pink Lightning Bolt Thing:

He’s Like Batman With Sex

[We Love You Sharon and Stanton!]


A Croatian theory was Baphomet was or is Silvanus. 

Sharon and Stanton LaVey are Celebrating Sex With a New Book