Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously

Thanks Peggy: The kids take it seriously

To: Peggy, New York
From: George, Los Angeles

Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously

The Compleat Witch: 133.4 [ 100 – Philosophy and psychology: 133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism]

I thought I would write a quick note to say thank you  for writing: The Compleat Story of The Compleat Witch, or, What To Do When Publishers Fail

I remember hearing about that bookshelf.

I was reminded today that the children take it seriously and to not joke about it. This illustrates the differences between what children think about magic when their parents teach them and the realities of busy families with different perspectives. Children will take you seriously and go off, learn and practice magic. It’s a vast difference between a 17 year olds perspective, a 10 or 11 year olds perspective and a 33 year old’s perspective.

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Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously