How Much of Dementia-Related Bullying Stems from Lack of Symmetrical Communication?

How Much of Dementia-Related Bullying Stems from Lack of Symmetrical Communication?

Locals | Brilliant Question of The Day is:

How Much Bullying is Dementia? Question back:
Do you mean how much of what sounds like Bullying it is attributable to people trying to figure out their reality without actual  symmetrical (!) communication contact with other human beings?

Does that answer your question?


(!) Versus asymmetrical contact via texts, emails,  voice messages, social media and video conferencing. 1-to-1 Person to person phone and video calls can be symmetrical, It’s often more effective for a meeting of your two minds together to start with a video call and switch to voice only.

Thank You San Diego Visitor.

2023 04 07


Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

How Much of Dementia-Related Bullying Stems from Lack of Symmetrical Communication?

Modern Ancestry, Hidden Feelings: Multiple Cultural Identities

Modern Ancestry, Hidden Feelings: Multiple Cultural Identities Article Review and Personal Notes

Multiple Cultural Identities

A Beautiful Catrina

It’s the way I grew up as an “Adopted Secular Jew” in a German family from Redlands California. That was 58 + years ago. My house partners family also had anti-semitic members in it. I knew this going into the relationship. Modern Ancestry sometimes requires you to have Multiple Cultural Identities (MCI) as a part of your normal life.

In the American West and Mid West we had pioneer families including those that were from Eastern Europe. It’s not everyone in this whole area of the world it’s a insular isolated viewpoint of some members of old Western families.

As families merged generationallyoccasionally, you would find hidden attitudes so it paid to be safe and not call attention to anything. It’s like walking around a corner and finding yourself face to face with a Cowboy or Catrina, it’s startling but it’s still the Old West in places. Like the beautiful Catrina it’s part of our cluster stories and shared narrative.

Continue reading “Modern Ancestry, Hidden Feelings: Multiple Cultural Identities”

Modern Ancestry, Hidden Feelings: Multiple Cultural Identities

Tallinn Pledge: Thank You, Echo of the Shore

Tallinn Pledge: Thank You, Echo of the Shore

I am going to unscramble some more eggs here:
This involves a Foreign Intelligence Officer who is also the Estonian Ambassador to Ukraine. It’s a framed letter moment with pictures.

As it turns out apparently Estonia is giving Ukraine “all of it’s artillery” according to Luke Coffey on January 20, 2023. Which pre-dated the Estonian Ambassador giving the pledge to Zelenskyy on January 23 2023. See Below:

Continue reading “Tallinn Pledge: Thank You, Echo of the Shore”

Tallinn Pledge: Thank You, Echo of the Shore

The Kings New Wand

The Kings New Wand

The Kings New Wand

At the risk of sounding corny, if I remember right the Queen of England once was asked if her wand was magic and she said it was not. Secretly we all agreed it was, how else could it be? We thought the problem was the Chancellor did not know the magic words to use it and only the Queen knew them. In addition they were using that long one to tap people on the shoulder which meant you were either being naughty or someone wanted to talk to you.

Sadly she has passed away and Charles is now King. This brings up the small matter of whether or not he will admit his wand is Magic or is this the secret reason why people are moving to California where wands are still thought of as real?

It seems like a very small matter indeed but perhaps people should think about it for a bit before saying no again. I think it was up to the individual to admit it or not before but,.. hope springs eternal that people will believe in magic again.

I don’t know if it would change anything but I think it’s a 100% serious matter to consider for image relations if nothing else.


Featured Photo by Josh Hild:

Edited Jan 6 2022 to add featured Image: Total Visits 110

The Kings New Wand

Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously

Thanks Peggy: The kids take it seriously

To: Peggy, New York
From: George, Los Angeles

Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously

The Compleat Witch: 133.4 [ 100 – Philosophy and psychology: 133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism]

I thought I would write a quick note to say thank you  for writing: The Compleat Story of The Compleat Witch, or, What To Do When Publishers Fail

I remember hearing about that bookshelf.

I was reminded today that the children take it seriously and to not joke about it. This illustrates the differences between what children think about magic when their parents teach them and the realities of busy families with different perspectives. Children will take you seriously and go off, learn and practice magic. It’s a vast difference between a 17 year olds perspective, a 10 or 11 year olds perspective and a 33 year old’s perspective.

Continue reading “Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously”

Thanks Peggy Nadramia: The Kids take it Seriously