Windrose and Star | Four Elements Vs. Worlds

Windrose and Star

Which one?

Golden compass rose 3d illustration on white background


So,.. Apparently Years and Years later I figure out that the Catholic Archdioscese of Zagreb [It’s just the Gymnasia or Schools]  supported  the LaVey family / and children in Los Angeles and San Francisco in the 1970’s

Antique Italian Windrose

[Along with the Coptic Seminary in Orange County later to become part of the Alexandrian Coptic Dioscese of Southern California and Hawaii. The number of Alexandrian Copts was apparently only ~50 people in 1963]

What this was in reality is if their schools had questions about LaVeyan Satanism or the Magic and Spirituality faith group they asked us and if we had questions we asked them. It goes back to the old newsletter days.

Archbishop Stepinac

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For the Children:

Four Elements Vs. Worlds: The four or five elements vs the  four worlds? They are different things. The AI calls them the four realms of the universe that exist simultaneously. Technically before Hubble and Webb we could only speculate so far AND given that the big bang theory is Catholic VS Roman Greek and Indian philosophy, the realm of Khaos as the unformed matter before the “big whatever” also includes the Void. Early astronomer observers did not know what was between the points of light at night.

Khaos is the whole universe and everything in it i.e., the first state of matter and the first G-d in the Ancient Greek and Roman religious systems.

Xtian’s agreed.

– George

Windrose and Star | Four Elements Vs. Worlds
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